Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting were designed with the notion to handle the website traffic produced by any kind of website that can function in such an account. When you own one or multiple small or medium-sized websites, you will not be limited by the monthly site traffic quota no matter what content you have - plain text and / or lots of images, for instance. The statistics in your hosting Control Panel provides you with detailed data about the traffic produced by every single web site as well as the amount for the account as a whole. The figures are updated live and show both the daily and the monthly usage, so that you will know how much data is transferred to and from the website hosting account anytime. The very first day of each month the counter is reset, but you'll be able to see the traffic statistics for the previous months, which will inform you on how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages are intended to host multiple resource-demanding websites because they come with a great deal of processing power. Such web sites quite often generate a lot of website traffic and for that reason we've decided not to limit this characteristic. Using a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many site visitors as you can get without worrying that you will hit a restriction for the website traffic they will produce. For your benefit, you will be able to monitor what's going on in your account since we will supply you with hourly, daily and monthly stats for the traffic your websites generate. This means that, you will be aware of the way they operate any time. You'll even be able to view which page or file has generated most of the traffic for each web site in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The VPS servers that we offer have a monthly traffic allowance proportional to the system resources they come with. The more hard disk storage and computing power a server provides, the more likely it is that you will host more web sites on it, consequently the traffic you're able to use increases with each package. If you need extra traffic at some point, you can improve the package from your billing Control Panel with just a few clicks and the additional system resources, including the upgraded traffic quota, will be added to your existing account. You'll also be able to keep track of how much info has been transferred to and from your virtual server any time. For your benefit, we will notify you once you reach 90% of your allowance to give you sufficient time to take action and lower your site traffic or update the package if needed. From your control panel, you will be able to view the traffic stats for every single domain or subdomain in your VPS account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Taking into consideration how powerful all of our dedicated servers are, the data transfer that you'll receive each and every month will be sufficient for any kind of web site regardless of the number of its visitors, even if you supply file or image hosting. You will get an allowance of terabytes of website traffic each and every month and because you will not share the server with anyone else, that quota will be provided just for your web sites and web apps. We'll inform you whenever you get to 90% of the quota therefore you'll be able to react and either optimize your web sites to reduce the traffic they make, or extend your limit. It's extremely unlikely that you'll ever require more than what we'll give you, but we will not stop the development of your sites, therefore we leave the option to include more traffic open. The dedicated server plans include an administration panel where you will be able to see what amount of website traffic has been generated so far for the present month and the amount that is left until you reach the cap. Considering that these figures include software setups and updates, they are more correct as compared to any hosting Control Panel statistics that include only the website traffic generated by sites.